Zum Altu Gadu 8
Zum Altu Gadu 8
3992 Bettmeralp
Phone: +41 31 904 02 05
Mobile: +41 79 425 82 31
E-mail: zum.altu.gadu@bluewin.ch
Good to know
- Familienfreundlich
- Haustiere nicht erlaubt
- Lift / Aufzug
- WiFi
- Nichtraucherhaus
- Skiabstellraum
- Waschmaschinenbenutzung mögl.
- Satelliten-TV
- Trockner-Benutzung
- Appartementhaus (ab 7 Wohnungen)
- Ruhige Lage
- Nähe Seilbahn
- Kinderstuhl erhältlich
Extra charges and fees: Cleaning CHF 90.00; Bed, bath and kitchen towls CHF 20.00 per person;
The house " Altu Gadu " is located 300m below the mountain station "Bettmeralp" When you leave the mountain station take the elevator to the 2ed basement, then walk about 300 meters towards " Alpmatten " before turning right to "Altu Gadu " . For the apartment take the north entrance, for the studio on the ground floor take the western entrance. The apartment/studio is written with your name. The ski room for your skis/ ski boots is on the ground floor.